LPCR Leaders
Our LPCR group is led by Richard and Dara Cobb who have been involved in Celebrate Recovery since 2004. Together they served as Alabama State Rep from 2006 until 2015 and currently lead as the CR International Directors on the National Team.
Dara grew up a preachers kid and was saved at the age of 5, she always wanted to be a missionary but by 17 she was running away from God and searching for the perfect love to make her happy. 30 years of love relationship addiction and three divorces brought her to a place she knew she needed help.
Although Richard was in church as a child when he became a teenager he turned toward drugs, alcohol and inappropriate relationships. After years of addiction he lost a daughter with his first wife that awakened him to his need for Christ. He surrender to Jesus in 1980 and attended Heritage Bible College receiving a bachelors degree in religion. Then 13 years later, relapsed for 5 years.
After a divorce and his 1st wife’s suicide he got involved in divorce care, and eventually met Dara when she attended the group. When the group completed they dated for a year and married. Neither of them had really dealt with their past hurts or habits but thought they were fine, and began leading a Celebrate Recovery program in 2004, only nine months after their marriage. Through the step studies and the 8 recovery principles they learned how to take off our their mask and be real about sharing their life with others.
Now they are committed to helping people find recovery and becoming everything God has for them. They are about making disciples.