What are you joining when you join a church? Something that’s already been set in motion. For thousands of years the church has been living, breathing, growing, and moving. To accomplish one thing: worship God above all else & live as witnesses to the greatness of His Name. To help others believe & follow this same God.

“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body.” –  I Corinthians 12:12-13

You are joining a body. The church is the people (the membership). You and I [who are members]are not only representatives of Christ but of the local church we have joined arms with. We carry the name of Christ and Lifepoint with us, into our homes, workplaces, and community. How we live our lives tells people about the reality of our God and the heart of our church.


We believe that membership in a local church is a gift from God as a tool for your growth in Him. We should treasure it. We should shift our thinking toward realizing that [as a member] God has planted us here for the growth of someone else…and not simply as a way to get our own needs and desires met.

Our joy is not found in simply attending or even joining, but in being an active, functioning member who plays our role to bring health, growth, and healing to the body [both individually and as a whole]. That’s when we will find satisfaction. That’s when we will truly understand membership as God intended for it to be…as a gift to every believer.
We are glad that you are interested in joining with us at Lifepoint.
We offer a 3-part membership class called CORE that lets you know everything about us as a church.


1) US
Provides a glimpse into Who We Are, What We Hold, & Why We Do It. In this session, we will discuss our Vision+Mission, Values+Beliefs, and Heart+Rhythm of the church.

2) YOU
Give us the opportunity to tell you what we want FOR you and what God wants FROM you. We will talk about our goal of discipleship for your life and how you can be engaged within the community of the church to build up the body.

3) WE
How a people are gathered, structured, governed and led is a foundational piece to the purpose and success of a people. We will explain the design and purpose of the Church as a whole, how we are governed and led, and how you can be involved.

We are in this together!


2024 DATES
JUNE 2, 9, 23
OCTOBER 6, 13, 20